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Reporting Intel

One of our strongest points as an alliance is that we work as a team to stay safe; or to hunt those unfortunate enough not to have the pure stream of awesome in their veins like we do in Evictus.

But, even with the most awesome pilots we still need to make sure that our members report intel in a clear and concise manner. Please try to use these tips to make it better for everyone.

1. Intel Channels

One of your primary tools to report and see intel about our enemies are the in-game channels. These are maintained by the coalition and serve as your primary access to recent information. To live in Evictus space, make sure you joined the following channels:

  • Intel.Feythabolis
  • Intel Legacy
  • Int.Catch
  • Mango.Omist (These players speak Chinese and border our space)

But be aware; these channels are filled with MANY people and therefore subjected to a few key rules. Else our intel devolves into an insane asylum with people yelling at eachother but not listening to one another, which defeats the purpose. Please follow these rules:

  • Conversations are strictly banned unless intel-related.
    Our intel channels are best when we have short, concise and accurate information. Some of our tools read from these channels to broadcast information to our friends; adding useless chatter will simply make it much harder to see important intel.

  • Always include a d-scan of enemy fleets.
    A report of 10 enemies in our space is scary, but we have a lot of competent and eager players that would love to fight it. Use this d-scan parser and paste your d-scan results into that. Share the link with the FC / Intel channel

  • Use the reporting format.
    Please report all intel in the manner of “name system ship”. If you do not see the person, use the tag NV for “No visual”. So for example: Francis Raven JO-32L Imicus.

  • Do NOT claim ship types exclusively from D-Scan
    Sometimes we have people online that pass through in ships you see on d-scan, while the actual enemy is flying something else. Do not blindly report from your d-scan without verifying first; this can give bad intel and lead to dead fleet members.

2. Intel over Discord

In order to inform people not neccesarily online on their mains or to rally the troops and have FC's see the intel whilst they are doing other things; we have an Intel Channel on Discord. This channel is designed for intel about larger groups or risky connections to Thera or other wormhole entities such as VOLTA, Inner Hell and more.

Keep in mind that the key to this channel is that information is concise. We need to know the following information if hostiles enter our space:

  • Corporation/Alliance,
  • Location of the enemy fleet,
  • Size of the enemy fleet,
  • D-scan of the enemy fleet.

There's a good example of good information in the channel. Below you'll see one such example of effective intel that helps save lives. Please try to be vigilant and if you need an FC you can always tag them by adding them in the message through the tag “@Content FC” or “@Fleet Commander”.

It is important to remember that less is more. Yes, that sounds strange but the more clear your key points are, the better people can see it. After all, we're not in the library; we're in an intel channel.

3. Intel over Mumble

Great! You're on Mumble and you have important intel to share. Before you do we just want to say: Thank you for following the rules and being on Mumble while you play the game. It is more fun that way and easier to communicate!

So how does it work for Mumble? Well, for this there are two key rules!

  • Keep it stupidly simple (KISS).
    Information in a combat situation is super important, but it needs to be really clear. We're not writing love poems or stories the size of Stephen King. Please be aware of that when you give intel and read the examples below

  • Anyone calling out CHECK CHECK constitutes silent Mumble.
    This one may sound weird, but whenever someone calls out the phrase “Check Check”, it usually means important intel is coming through for either the FC or you as player. It is customary and expected that you stop talking the moment someone calls it out for intel.

Now, you might wonder how you could properly report intel while you are on comms. It's really not that hard but to make it even easier to understand, we've given you a good and bad example.

Good example: FC, I see about a 10 man gatecamp with 3 logi, dps and tackle on JO-32L to M2G gate.

So why is this great? Well, the message that you're giving has all the necessary information on it, it is short and simple and if the FC needs clarification you can expand on that as the FC requests.


Remember: The easier and more condensed your information, the better our response can be.

But, while we have good examples there is also an example below that have been occurring from time to time. The example below is bad because it adds a great amount of time for the FC to hear your entire message, plus it includes a lot of random fluff.

Bad example: So uh FC, I am seeing a dominix, dominix, dominix, legion, guardian, guardian, guardian, stiletto, stiletto when I was 100km off and I burned away because I didn't want to be caught so I may need to warp off as they are trying to kill me. But don't worry, I am burning away from them and I am faster than them. I got this. Will you guys come soon so I can give warp in?

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