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Evictus Code of Conduct

We exist as a large community of more than 2500 members (as of december 2019) which means that we have a very varied and diverse memberbase. In order to ensure that all of our members uphold a level of class and conduct themselves with dignity, we have set up these guidelines for you. Please be aware that being a member of our alliance means that you also agree to abide by these rules and follow them to the best of your ability at all times.


Please ensure that you read the Evictus Bylaws as these do apply to you as well.

1. General Principles

  • Be respectful to others.
    We may not always agree with one another or approve of the way that we are as people, but when you are in Evictus you will treat others in a respectable manner. We have members from all over the world with different backgrounds, different cultures, different values and different desires. In our group, we ask you to be tolerant of differences that may not be aligned directly with your own.
  • Be mindful of others.
    Every individual person has different idea on what can be offensive or upsetting. We ask all members to be mindful of one another in trying to communicate in ways that do not cause grief to others. We don't like to define this specifically, to prevent people pushing the edges, but actions such as racism, bigotry, discrimination and blatant hatred will be acted upon swiftly and firmly.
  • Be tolerant of each other.
    We are all but human, so mistakes are going to happen within the alliance. We ask that you strive to be tolerant of people around you and give them room mess up and learn afterwards. Rather than chewing them out, try to approach mistakes as an opportunity to improve together.

2. Public Communication

Evictus prides itself in being an open, diverse and vibrant community that is inclusive of anyone; disregarding preference, ethnicity, background or otherwise identifying information. We've done so for nearly five years and it has made our community very open and welcoming as a whole.

To preserve that mindset and to carry it forward, we do expect all members of Evictus to behave with class and dignity while communicating to people outside of our alliance; with all of the general principles applying equally to both internal and external communication.

3. Voice Communication

Fleets are an exciting place for you to be; getting kills and dumpstering enemies is a lot of fun. But in order to truly dominate, we need to be very clear on how we communicate within our fleets. In this section we will address the things we expect from you regarding the use of our voice chat services.

3.1 General Etiquette

Aside of all the mentioned principles in section 1, we ask you to respect the requests of players to have a (private) conversation about things they like. If you want to discuss other things than the current group, that is fine but please find another room to make sure everyone has the room to speak about what they desire.


Whenever you join a fleet, please do so quietly and ask questions in fleet-chat only.

3.2 Battle Etiquette

We don't like to put our foot down and smack the hammer on the floor but when it comes to fleets that needs to happen from time to time. It is crucial that the communication between the FC and the different fleet members is done in a very clear and concise manner; interrupting that flow will mean people die in battle. As such, we expect the following from you while you are joining a fleet.


Please be aware that Fleet Commanders are EXEMPT from these rules as they, in their role, need to be able to communicate rapidly. Anyone else will follow the guidelines below:

  • Do not enter a mumble channel and instantly speak.
    Whenever you join a new channel, it may be that the residents of that channel are currently engaged in battle and need their focus. Please do not join a channel and instantly ask a question or start talking.
  • All questions will be for fleet chat in the first place.
    There is a great amount of members that, to this day, join our Mumble and instantly ask what to bring and what to do. This is a sure-fire way to piss off your fleet commander; after all we are trying to maintain battle discipline. As such, all questions should be in the Fleet chat or else in Alliance Chat.
  • Whenever “CHECK” is called, you stop and listen.
    We use the term “Check check” to gain attention for crucial intel or battle decisions that need to take priority over the random banter that might occur. Whenever someone yells out “Check check”, you stop talking immediately and listen to the intel. Wait for the FC to respond afterwards!
  • Less is more.
    We all know that it's exciting to tell stories and how you dominated people. But whenever we are in the heat of battle, we need to keep communication clear. This means that you should keep your information short; such as “10 enemies in JO- on M2G Gate, 5 caracals, tackle, 3 osprey” is much better than telling a long winded story of how you got there and what is going on.
  • Follow your role.
    Fleet Commanders will call upon specific fleet members to do tasks that fit within their concept of the battle. Please restrict yourself to communicating only in your role/task during a fleet; if you have no assigned role then you have no inherent need to speak up (except for emergencies).

Please be aware that not following this etiquette may result in you being prohibited to partake in future combat and/or further actions as per the Evictus Bylaws; which may include but not be limited to disciplinary actions.

4. Conflict Resolution

It may happen that you run into problems with members from your own, or from other corporations. Rather than kicking up a lot of dust publicly, we expect that you contact a diplomat within our alliance to act as a mediator. Please see our diplomacy section for contacts in your timezone.

Additionally, we want to make clear that every fleet commander has the right to call the shots and order you to be killed if you can not follow battle communication rules after repeated warnings. These rules are described in our alliance's bylaws. Please help us avoid a lot of drama by following the guidelines described above.