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The most recent version of this page is a draft.DiffThis version (2020/01/18 08:05) is a draft.
Approvals: 0/1

This is an old revision of the document!

The Evictus Alliance Charter of Bylaws

As a member of Evictus you agree that, as a condition of your membership, you follow and abide by the Evictus Bylaws as set forth in this document. We may enforce these bylaws as we see fit on an individual basis and encourage everyone to strive to understand the spirit of these rules as well.

1. Terms of Membership

1.1: Preamble

All members of Evictus. are required to follow and abide the End User License Agreement (EULA) and Terms of Service (TOS) as set forth by CCP. Any person or corporation found breaking these rules will be immediately removed and blacklisted from the alliance. Remaining assets will not be retrievable and may be destroyed at command of the High Council.

1.2: Grounds for expulsion

We uphold a zero tolerance policy to the rules within this section. Any corporation or member found to breach these rules will be dismissed from the alliance immediately with all remaining asset being forfeit in the process.

  1. You will not post, discuss or distribute any form of child/animal/underage pornography, abuse or otherwise disturbing content anywhere.

  2. You will not impersonate any member of leadership.

  3. You will not falsify an Executive Order / Directive Order to manipulate other players.

  4. You will not participate in any activity that results in the theft of assets owned by either members of Evictus, the alliance itself or any of our allies. This includes luring members or allies into traps.

  5. You will not share any information or intelligence with non-allied entities.

  6. Refusing a direct Executive/Directive Order will lead to immediate dismissal.

  7. Any attempt to breach our IT-services will lead to dismissal.


All members are subject to the Code of Conduct so long as they remain in Evictus or Spades Alliance.

1.3: Basic Rules

We uphold a few central rules that will apply in all situations. Breaching these rules will lead to disciplinary action which may include anything ranging from warnings, to fines, to expulsion from the alliance.

You may get in trouble if:

  1. Failure to follow the Code of Conduct.

  2. Failure to report intelligence on hostile enemies in the intel channels.

  3. Failure to follow our diplomatic agreements.
    You may NOT shoot any players with blue standing or better, unless you are fired upon first.

  4. Failure to obey and follow direct orders by a fleet commander during a fleet.
    The Fleet Commander retains the right to shoot people breaking this rule without repercussion.
    Failing to follow this rule will also instantly forfeit your claim to SRP reimbursements.

  5. Failure to participate in a Call To Arms (CTA) whilst online.
    Once an fleet commander calls for a CTA, you are expected to immediately drop everything that you do; return to JO-32L and prepare for battle. Failing to do so may result in the destruction of your assets by the orders of the High Council. Log off any alts not participating to prevent unneccesary losses.

  6. Failure to follow Battle Communication Protocols on Mumble.
    Please follow the communication protocol as outlined in the Code of Conduct and our Battle Communication Protocol (BPC)

2. Warfare and Combat

2.1 Combat Requirements

Every member is expected to participate in Fleet PVP to defend our own space. While we give you room to explore and enjoy the game at your own pace, part of being in Evictus means that you are expected to contribute to defending it. As such, the following key rules are applicable to ALL members:

  1. You will start and continue to train into the doctrines immediately after joining.

  2. You will setup and be active on Mumble whenever you are undocked from space.
    Communication saves lives and being on Mumble enables you to be safer and able to request help faster.

  3. You will join the Standing Fleet when out in space; or create one if none is present.
    Our Standing Fleet is designed to enable a rapid response whenever you are attacked. Failing to be in the Standing Fleet may lead to your death; please do join and be active.

  4. You will have at least one (1) ship per doctrine available in each staging system.
    We need to be ready to form a full fleet within a moments notice and as such you will need at least one ship available. We strongly recommend maintaining a minimum of two ships to be able to reship in case you die or need to wait for SRP to be approved.

2.2 Call To Arms

In certain situations it is necessary to change into “Call To Arms” mode. This is called whenever our space is under serious threat or whenever one of our heavy assets is under attack by a hostile force. During a CTA there is a very strict policy that you will need to follow to the letter. Upon calling for a CTA, the following happens to you:

  1. You immediately drop everything you do and return to JO-32L.
  2. You get into the appropriate channel on Mumble and join the fleet.
  3. You will be quiet while the CTA is in effect, only communicating when asked directly.
  4. You will dock up (and log off) any alternate characters that will not participate in the battle.
  5. Any and all questions will be asked in Fleet Chat.

Each CTA is MANDATORY for all members; even if you only participate in PVE-activities. Failure to join a CTA may lead to disciplinary actions as seen fit by the High Council.

3. Economic Rules

While we encourage the free exploitation of our space, we do have a few restrictions that apply to every single member within Evictus. or Spades Alliance. Please ensure that you follow these rules; if anything is unclear please contact your CEO, Director or one of our Diplomats.


Still under construction, using current bylaws

3.1 Permitted Systems

  1. You may only use Evictus-owned systems as well as wormholes to generate money.
    We own space within a larger coalition with which we have made diplomatic agreements. Do not venture to any other systems than on this map for your income generation, unless it is a wormhole or space outside of Legacy Coalition.

  2. You may complete escalations that spawn outside Evictus-owned space.
    Escalations are a personal spawn and may be completed in other systems provided that you do not take any of the local sites (including Relic/Data sites).

  3. You may scan for wormholes outside Evictus-owned space.
    Scanning for wormhole access in Omist, Esoteria and Feythabolis is especially encouraged to ensure that we can protect our space

3.2 Ratting

Please follow these rules while you are out ratting.

  1. All pilots must be active while undocked. (Not AFK)
    We are often frequented by small gangs which will be able to kill your ships. Please dock up if you are unable to be at your PC to minimize losses to hostile gangs.

  2. All pilots must join the Standing Fleet and be on Mumble.
    We are unable to save people who can not communicate with us; being part of our Mumble is crucial to your safety and follows our Code of Conduct.

  3. All PVE content is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
    All rights to loot, site access and content will go to the ship that lands on grid first. This includes all anomalies, asteroid belts, combat sites, scannable sites and special NPCs such as Capital NPCs, Faction NPCs and Officer NPCs. Please contact your CEO if a conflict arises from the loot distribution.

  4. Usage of Mobile Tractor Units is permitted.
    A Mobile Tractor Unit (MTU) may be deployed so long as it is not left unattended. If you find an unattended MTU inside an active combat site, you may remove that MTU if the owner does not respond to your requests for a minimum of 15 minutes. Scanning down MTU's in finished combat sites is strictly forbidden and will be acted upon. Please ensure to collect proof before shooting an MTU if the owner does not respond to your request within 15 minutes.

  5. Usage of Encounter Surveillance Systems (ESS) is permitted.
    An ESS may be deployed so long as it is not left unattended. Please locate the ESS inside an anomaly to be protected by the rats, and maintain active control over the object. If possible, park an empty alt in a pod on it to empty it from time to time. Please ensure that all members in local are okay with the deployment of an ESS.

  6. We require ratters to partake in “ratting channels”.
    Ratters must use in-game “ratting” channels to announce which sites they are running. Each system's ratting channel is set up as IOU.XXX system. (Ex: IOU.E1F-LK)

3.3 Trading & Market

  • Evictus. does not mandate any sell or buy prices.
    We do not mandate or restrict market prices so long as players do not relist items of other members to artificially drive the price up. We do, however, recommend that you consider the alliance's interests when pricing your items.

  • Evictus. leadership may dictate contract prices during war for fully-fit doctrine ships.
    It may be neccesary in the situation of war to dictate a singular price to ensure all doctrine fits are the same cost. The High Council retains the right to impose these prices on fully fit doctrine contracts.

  • Evictus. maintains a singular market hub in JO-32L. No other market hubs are permitted.
    Corporations are strictly prohibited from the use of a market module in their structure unless they have written consent from the alliance Executor.


Be aware that any attempt at scamming alliance members or allies will be investigated and acted upon; we do not tolerate this behaviour towards our own memberbase.

  • You may not buy and relist items from the JO-32L market for profit.
  • You may buy items at a different hub and list them on our own.
  • IOU does not mandate any sell or buy prices.
  • Evictus will have 1 market hub, which will also be our staging. No other market hubs will be permitted.
  • - Corporate-owned structures will not be permitted to have the market module installed without express written permission by the Executor.
  • All contracts should be set up in our market hub.
  • We have a strict, zero-tolerance policy on “blue fucking”. No pilot shall buy and relist items from within the same market hub. Pilots may, however, buy and relist from one hub and move to another.
  • Scam market orders or contracts (absurd price increases) will also be investigated. This is not allowed.
  • In the event of a war at home, the High Council reserves the right to set sell prices for contracts and market orders.
  • For example, mandating a sell price for fully fit doctrine ships. ie: T2 Hell's Rail's Ferox, 95m per contract.

4. Moon Mining

In our space we have quite a few profitable moons to use for mining. Through the efforts of our Finance Department we will allocate moons towards prospective corporations that wish to utilize these moons.

4.1 Mining Rules


Rules for members

  1. Please do not mine moons that you have no permission for.
    A lot of our moons are rented by corporations to fuel their projects. As such, please do not mine any moon that isn't owned by your corporation unless the owner of that moon has given you permission.

  2. Corporations may levy tax in order to access their moon.
    Whenever a moon is rented, that corporation has free reign on how to tax players for the use of their moon. Do not take any ore without permission or without paying tax.

  3. Corporation members may ask you to leave their moon at any time.
    As a guest of the moon you may mine that moon after receiving permission from the renting party. They may, however, request you to stop mining at any point when they deem neccesary, in order to let members of the renting party use the moon.

  4. You are not permitted to bring any other players to participate without explicit permission.
    While you may receive permission to mine a moon; that permission does not translate to other members unless expressly agreed upon; this includes bringing in allied players in the region.

  5. All members must follow standard security procedures while mining on any moon.
    We expect all members to follow secure mining principles and maintain situational awareness (i.e. do not go AFK). All Rorquals are required to follow the Rorqual Procedures

4.2 Rental Terms & Conditions

  1. All moons within Evictus-controlled space as the property of the alliance.
    Evictus. retains the full right determine control, access, rental agreements and availability of moons to member corporations at any time through the decisions of the Finance Department.

  2. All moons are managed by the Finance Department; all decisions are final.
    All terms and conditions for members to be able to rent moons are set forth by the Finance Department. They determine the rental fees, tax requirements, lease periods and the eligibility of corporations to rent a moon. They may withdraw any and all agreements at any point in time that they deem neccesary.

  3. All moons are subject to taxes and/or fees as set by the Finance Department.
    Taxes, fees and other costs may change at any time without prior notice at the discretion of the Finance Department. All taxes are based on moon composition and market value; changes in these may result in new terms/costs after the current rental period ends.

  4. All structures that are set-up on moons without permission may be subject to (violent) removal without compensation.
    We will actively remove structures that do not have permission to operate on our moons; either diplomatically or forcibly without compensation.

  5. All structures must comply with the standard security and access protocols for the alliance.
    All structures must follow standard requirements to enable docking access to the alliance as outlined within the forums under the CEO section.

  6. Transferring a structure to another corporation does not transfer the moon access permit.
    All moon permits are corporation-based and negotiated with the Finance Department. A permit can not be transferred automatically and it will be considered as such. Structures owned by non-permitted corporations may be removed.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to the destruction of the involved structures and assets. Please ensure that you have approval from the Finance Department prior to mining or anchoring a structure

  • Corporations with TRIAL status can only rent through Bailiffs-owned structures.
    Only corporation with full member status may apply to deploy their own structure(s). Corporations inside their trial period are prohibited from putting up private structures and shall rent through the Bailiff-owned structures.

  • Corporations that are full members can rent moons with private structures after approval.
    Full member corporations may submit their request through the CEO forums, using the appropriate form to request a moon.

  • All moonbids are restricted to corporations only.
    In order to ensure that the management of our moons remains reasonable, all moons must be bid on by the CEO of the corporation. You are free to restrict that corporate moon to a singular player if so desired, so long as the moon bid is performed by your CEO or director.

  • The corporation that rents the structure is responsible for managing it properly.
    We offer corporations the option to rent a moon so long as they ensure that payment is fulfilled in accordance to the rules, as well as fulfilling the fuel requirements for that structure.

  • Structures must be fuelled by the renter for the rental duration plus three days.
    In order to prevent unneccesary downtime and waste it is required to fuel at least three additional days after your rental agreement ends. During a 1 month term, this results in 33 days of fuel to be added at the start of the rental agreement.

4.3 Availability of Moons

  1. All R64, R32 and R16-quality moons will be maintained by Bailiffs.
    Bailiffs will provide the structure and tools to enable drilling for moon materials; the renting corporation will provide fuel for the duration of the contract plus 7 days of additional fuel to cover transition periods.

  2. All R64, R32 and R16-quality moons will be rented out in pre-determined blocks through blind auction.

  3. All R8 and R4 moons can be rented for long-term periods.
    These moons will be either without structure or a structure that must be bought up. As these moons have no limit to their terms we will bill the taxation monthly in bulk by using contracts.

  4. Taxes are always billed and paid upfront.
    All short-term permits for R64/R32/R16 will be paid in full. For the long-term permits (R8/R4) this will be billed monthly.

  5. Failure to pay taxes may result in additional charges or disciplinary actions.
    The Finance Department may fine corporations that do not pay or escalate this to the High Council with potential expulsion as a result.

4. Structures

  • All structures require a request to be made on our forums. This can be done in the Evictus Upwell Structures Permit Application thread.
  • Any corporation anchoring a structure without approval from the High Council will be given 24h notice to begin removal of the structure once anchored. If this is not done, the structure will be removed by force.
  • Evictus Alliance will not be held responsible for any loss of items or clones due to a member corporation's unanchoring.
  • All structures MUST use Evictus ACLs (Access Control Lists) for docking and services.
  • Any structure transfers from one corp to another can be done at any time, but High Council must be advised of the changes being made. This can be done via Discord or forums.
  • Keepstars and Fortizars must be equipped with a PDS and PDS rig. Keepstars will be owned under Bailiffs for the corporations which want to deploy.
  • The only structures which are allowed to be low-powered are astrahus pings on gates.
  • Highsec and lowsec structures are permitted, but will not be saved by the alliance.

5. Corporate Recruitment