Table of Contents

Bookmarking Guidelines

We live in one of the safest areas in EVE Online; with little threat towards us. That is if we are doing great at defending our space and organising proper fleets. But, that organisation also helps you to find new income and fun opportunities! In order to do this, we need crisp and clean information. The better your information, the better your ability to address challenges!

In this guideline you will find a plethora of tips, requirements and recommendations regarding the usage of bookmarks within Evictus space. We ask you to try and follow them as best as you can.

What is a bookmark?

For those who may be new; a bookmark is a saved location within EVE that allows you to warp to it. EVE does not allow travel along vast distances without the use of objects to warp between; but by creating bookmarks you can access content that may not be accessible in a normal manner.

You can create a bookmark in two ways; both which have benefits and downsides.

One of these ways is by creating a bookmark in the middle of space while you're warping. We've written a handy guide under our training section with the name “Traversing hostile space safely” that will address this as a so called “safe spot”.

The second way of bookmarking is directly onto the item you want to bookmark. For this, you right-click the object and select save location. However, do not save signatures for wormholes from your probe scanner. This will potentially kill our fleets. Instead, if you're saving a wormhole, you warp to the wormhole at range and bookmark the icon of the actual wormhole itself.

How to save signatures?

In our space we find more than just wormholes or combat sites whenever we scan the signatures in the system. In order for our signatures to be visible to everyone, we opted to choose for the website

By using this website, every member can see which signatures have been scanned prior and which have not. Please reach out through the #academy channel on Discord if you are unsure how to use Deepsafe; we would be happy to help you!


Please ensure that all signatures are scanned and placed in Deepsafe; remove entries that no longer exist from Deepsafe as well. By performing regular maintainance, we will keep everyone safe!

Deepsafe does NOT support Drifter Holes. Please ensure that these are communicated correctly on Discord.

How to bookmark content

We need to establish a few baseline principles; please follow them as best you can.

Bookmark all wormholes by physically warping to them at range and right-clicking the wormhole icon.
You will KILL us if you bookmark from the overview; please don't kill your friends.

Bookmarking Wormholes

One of the most important things is that we bookmark wormholes in a quick and effective way. In the following section we will outline the requirements for the bookmarks. Keep in mind that having good bookmark names makes our navigation a lot easier and it becomes possible to save you too!

  • Maximum of two days expiry.
    Please use the settings as shown to the right to prevent old bookmarks from clogging our folder. We can hold 500 max only!

  • Use the correct wormhole naming system
    All wormholes must be named using Signature Destination Size.

    ABC-123 Jita Large
    ABC Jita L
    ZYX-666 - Jita - Smallest
    DEF - CCP-US - VL Crit

  • All return bookmarks towards Feythabolis start with an asterisk.
    By adding an asterisk (*) in front of a bookmark it remains at the top of the list. As such, we can follow the “stars” home.

    * Home
    * Wormhole
    * Feyth

Please be aware that this is important for us to have correct, speedy and effective intel. It allows us to navigate our space in an effective manner. If you do not know where the connections leads towards; please get into a fast ship and find out. Information is king.


Do not save non-wormhole signatures in the wormhole folder.

How do I save PVE content?

We currently do not accept PVE content within the wormhole folder.

If you do need to save a PVE-related signature, please put this into the “TEMPORARY” folder with an expiry of 3 hours.

How do I share my bookmarks

Our member Colonel Tosh has created a guide on how to share bookmark folders with others. You can find it in our Player Guides section under the name Shared Bookmarks 101